Explain why you selected the video you choose from the selection
listed above.
The reason I chose “The Greek Awakening: Art from the 5th
Century BC” was because the title insinuates a transition in Greek culture. While the other titles do describe parts of
Greek culture, the word “ awakening” made me think of Buddhism and so I decided
to watch that specific video.
For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
In the Awakening video, I learned that around the 5th
century B.C. that greeks shifted their focus from Gods being the center of the
universe, to the individual. Around this time, Greeks started positing
questions about purpose, existence, mathematics, and other areas of philosophy.
Also, I learned about the different uses for the Parthenon, for example: It was
used as a mosque, and a temple, before scholars would congregate.
In “More Human than Human” I learned about different cultures
and their and values: pertaining to the representation of human figures in art.
Also, I learned about the seagull research done at Oxford: which is theorized
to describe why historic cultures accentuated certain salient features of the
human body in art.
How do the videos relate to the readings in the text? The videos
relate to the text, because they all describe the relationship between culture,
art, and architecture. There is a
correlation between the ways in which Egyptians and Greeks valued mathematics;
resulting in art and architecture that placed a heavy emphasis on mathematics. The
prehistoric figure, found in Vienna also is representative of these
correlations. as heavier women were more capable of successfully carrying
children in those times, the idea of female beauty conveyed in art, indicates
that certain salient features were sought after to ensure the existence of
their tribes.
What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to
understanding of the readings and art concepts?
I really enjoyed both films, because they illustrated how our perceptions
of beauty are influenced by culture, but also, how both of those factors
influence art and architecture. The films also depicted how Greeks used
mathematics to compensate for visual effect using a slight bulge “entasis”. I also learned about how Christians and Greeks
used architecture to bring people together. In Christianity, multi-purpose
halls “Basilica’s” were designed for congregational worship. In Greece, The Parthenon
was used a place of central worship, but also, for scholars to philosophize.