Sunday, April 17, 2016

Art Gallery Visit #2

Step 1: The Exhibition
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit?

The title of the art exhibit I visited is “Manet, Monet and the Impressionists” at the National Gallery.

2. What is the theme of the exhibition?

The theme of this particular is exhibit is impressionism.

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:
1. What type of lighting is used?
In Room 43 at The National Gallery, there are two sources of lighting. First, there are skylights; however, there are steel plates blocking direct sunlight from entering the room. The Second source of light is through directed LED lighting that is attached to a set of rails, so the lights can be moved.

2. What colors are used on the walls?
              The walls are painted a deep, and natural dark purple. The walls are accented by white decorative molding at the top, and a dark granite baseboard.

3. What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?
The floors in Room 43 are made out of wood of different shades and patterns. The center and perimeter patterns of the floor have the boards lined up, one after another, and this is accented by diamond wood patterns in the floor. The bottom baseboards and entryway molding are made of dark granite. Along the top base boarding there is decorative white molding, which continues into the white, decorative vaulted ceilings.

4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
The room, which is about 30x30 has the viewer walking around the square perimeter of the room. In the center of the room, there are two wood benches.

Step 3: The Artwork
Questions about the artwork:
1. How are the artworks organized? As you enter the room and go left, there is a collection of over 12 Monet pieces on two walls. The remaining two walls are covered by a variation of Monet, Manet, Renoir, and Sisley.
2. How are the artwork’s similar? The subjects of the paintings can be categorized into two styles. As you enter the room, and go left, all of the paintings of landscapes. The other half of the room is portraits.

3. How are the artworks different? Apart from the difference of subject matter, one painting by  Ignace-Henri-Théodore Fantin-Latour  “ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Edwards”  is not an impressionist painting, rather it is surrealist.
4. How are the artworks framed? All of the artworks in Room 43 are framed in a gold painted, decorative wooden frame; however, the intricacies vary from each painting.

5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
Each artwork is identified and labeled with a small white plaque that gives a description of the artist, year, and label of each work.

6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
Each piece is located within 1-2 feet of the other paintings. Some of the smaller paintings have other artworks above them within a few inches.

Step 4: Art Criticism Exercise
Artist: Claude Monet
Title of work: – Snow Scene at Argenteuil
Media: Oil on Canvas
Size: 28x36 in
Source of picture (URL)

What I enjoyed about this painting is the subtle contrasts in color. The Painting, which is mostly constructed of blues and greys, also, contains some dark browns, reds, and near black accents.  In this painting, there is a winter scene that contains the presence of people in it. To the sides of the painting there are trees and shrubs, and the background consists of buildings. The first element I noticed in this painting was the use of direction and movement. The fence to the left, and the muddied snow trail serves as a directional line, which guides the viewers eyes to the people near the end of the trail. The second element I noticed was the use of implied shape to outline the trees. Monet uses grey shapes contrasted with browns and reds to outline the trunks and branches of the trees. The first principle I noticed was the use of emphasis and subordination. Monet subordinates much of the landscape in this painting by filling it with grey and little detail; however, the people and everything that is man-made is given much richer and darker colors. I believe Monet did this to symbolize the the contrast between people and nature. The subjects in the photo, and the trails left behind them are the first things I noticed about this painting; therefore, I believe Monet was trying to illustrate the contrasts and effects of people on nature.


Artist: Claude Monet
Title of work: – Gare Saint Lazare
Media: Oil on Canvas
Size: 60.3 x 80.2 cm
Source of picture (URL):

What I really enjoy about this painting is the use of blues in the shading; Also, the way in which Monet develops the smoke coming from the train. Rather than outlining the smoke, Monet distorts the image where smoke is present. In this painting, there are people waiting to board a train at a station. The station is covered with a glass ceiling, and inside the station there is a prominent light post; in addition, to other trains and passengers. The element I noticed in this painting was the use of direction and movement. It’s clear the trains are moving into the station, and the railroad tracks direct the viewers’ eye into the background of the painting.  Another prominent element is the use of analogous color harmonies.  Monet used most blues, greens, and yellows in the painting. I also really like the asymmetrical balance of the painting. The vaulted ceiling of the station almost make the painting symmetrical; however, the content within the station offers a stark contrast. This artwork reminds me of many paintings during the industrial era. Train stations represented a place for many different types of people to meet. I think Monet chose this piece, because industrialization changed many societies, and how people interacted.
Artist: Claude Monet
Title of work: – Bathers at La Grenouillère
Media: Oil on Canvas
Size: 73x92 cm
Source of picture (URL)

What I enjoyed about this painting is how different the color scheme is from his previous works. Many of Monet’s artwork has prominent blues; however, in this painting, green is the most prevalent color used. In this painting, there are canoes docked in the bottom left corner. In the top left corner, it is covered in foliage and people walking across a dock. The right side of the picture is more reminiscent of Monet’s work with the addition of blues; however, it doesn’t capture the typical idea of Monet that I’m used to seeing. The first element that I noticed in the painting was the use of movement and direction in the center of the painting. The Dock, which has many people walking across it, serves as a guide to experience this particular artwork. Secondly, I noticed the use of complementary color harmonies in the shading of the water, which is white and black. I believe Monet uses a perfect balance of Unity and Variety in this painting, as the left half of the painting is united in all of the greens ( analogous color harmonies); and the right half of the image uses more complementary color harmonies: this brings balance to the painting.  I believe painting symbolizes the relationship of humans and nature. The color schemes used in all of the manmade subjects are in perfect harmony with nature. I believe Monet was trying to describe how harmonious the relationship between these two can be.

Step 5: Document Your Visit

4. Answer this question:What did you think of visiting the Gallery and purposefully looking at the exhibition from a different perspective - the physical space, the architecture, theme, etc.?

Looking at the art from a different perspective in a different setting really helped me understand the context and historical significance of these artworks. By arranging these artworks in a exhibit, it becomes easier to understand how artists affect and influence other artists. The physical space also played a large role in changing my perception of these artworks. Everything from the decor to the framing helps to recreate an atmosphere which helps to emphasis the importance and role of  understanding art.

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